Overlooking the North Thompson River and a spectacular view of Green and Baldy mountain. The Farm is home to Karl and Debbie Rainer, their three sons and families.
Karl and Debbie retired from the cow milking business in December 2013. They still are actively farming their land. Running 50 head of beef cows, producing hay for those animals and their off springs.
The farm has a few horses as the number of horse lovers living on the farm grows
On any given day you may find, chickens, turkeys, pigs, sheep, dogs and cats. Some come and go and many are here to stay.
There is a meat shop on the farm and a abattoir run by the oldest Rainer son, Ben. He lives on the farm with his wife Angie and three children, Joy, Ty and Jason.
The second oldest (Dustin) is raising beef, sheep and pigs with his wife Lena and daughter Emily, and running his Food Truck called Salt Lick BBQ
Kurtis is the youngest son and also lives on the farm. He helps with farm maintenance and repairs. He is handy in many areas, welding, plumbing, electrical, carpentry and artist creator of crafts. Including metal lawn ornaments, wind chimes, wood work and to many to mention. He is currently working as an journey man electrician
Morning begins with Milking one cow to keep everyone happy with fresh milk. Karl is up long before this time, as he is programmed for early morning milking and has not been deprogrammed as of yet.
Breakfast is served at 07:30 most days for volunteer help that may be passing though.
Coffee break at 10:30 by the meat shop, with a sweet to keep you till lunch.
Lunch is at 12:00 noon for all working anywhere on the farm that wants to join us. You never know who you may see at the lunch table any day.
Coffee break is around 4:00 at the main house and consists of ice coffee most of the summer and cookies.
Supper is free range. Anything you may want, when you want from the kitchen.
Bed time when the day is over and up again in the morning to start over.
The jobs are many and varied, depending on the season and weather.
As farmers you must be handy at most things, to keep everything up and running year around.
If you are passing through and stop to buy a pack of jerky or some steaks from the meat shop www.rainercustomcutting.com, be sure to say hi.
I am so grateful to have the Rainers as neighbours. Because of them my daughter has gotten to experience farm life first hand. Knowing where her food comes from and the hard work it takes planting, and weeding a garden, and the joy of picking and eating a carrot freshly pulled is priceless. Learning to care for animals and developing patience while leading a new calf or getting splashed with milk while bucket feeding is a good traded off for the best molasses cookies and fresh milk in the world. We love the farm and Karl and Debbie.
Sarah, local mom and friend